
A Woman's Journey to Heal Cancer
Divine Artisan...
I offer my heart
To the vast mystery
of all that is,
and follow its pulse
of life through the Infiniverse,
Leaving behind all doubt and reservation.
Grant me the constancy
to stand in Love daily,
dissolving all that I’ve been
to be re-created
in every sacred moment.
Allow me the courage
to confront all fears
with grace and release.
May the treasure of my awareness
grow with each breath
and forge in me the strength
of acceptance: of change,
of circumstance, of Self, of others and of that which
I am unable to change.
May I know the wisdom
to balance the paradox
of appreciation for the precious
gift of this body and find detachment from
all it’s waning beauty
and it’s waxing ailments.
Allow me the blessing of a peaceful mind, a generous heart and an anchor in my infinite spirit.
Divine Artisan...
You extraordinarily gifted Creator of diverse and detailed imagintion, align me with the vision of mind to meet each day as an unlimited possibility within which unexpected
grace may occur.
Widen my eyes
to see the gifts of life
Broaden the reach
of my heart to love myself
through my faults and failings and thereby find love and compassion for all others.
Grant me the blessings of recognizing the precious gift of living - each day.
Allow me the pleasure of serving to bring light to the darkened heart, wisdom to the ignorant mind, and peace to a weary soul.
May I always dwell in the midst of innocent wonder, with a childlike spirit and a warm embrace of...
Divine Artisan...
You who has given breath
to this form and gifted me
with life...
guide me along the path
of remembrance
that I may dwell
in my own eternal nature.
Aid me in summoning the strength to endure challenge and overcome the limitations and obstacles to my well being and growth.
Kindle in me the enduring spark of assurance that I am ever in accord with my highest calling and nature.
Bless me with health and longevity that I may serve to bring inspiration and love
to those whom I encounter along the path.
Strengthen my voice that I may speak with clarity & possess the wisdom to let go of any compromise to my well being - so that I may find true balance in service of others.